Sean S
2023-12-04 06:40:14 UTC
Well, I am about 4 hours from boarding a plane to Boston, so guess we'll
get this done.
Once again, I want to let ya all know how much I appreciate ya, and how
much fun it is to do this every year. Obviously, there's gonna be some
changes coming, and we'll discuss those soon. But today, today is about
celebrating. It's been a blast these last 19 years, and although we will
have to adapt, I think we can make this work with the new format. But NGL -
I am really gonna miss the Pac-8-10-12. Damn.
OK OK, let's not get too melancholy. Let's talk group performance. I take
all our picks for each game, average them out (ie, average the pick for
each team based on all of our picks), and create an entry using those
averaged picks, called ASCP. As a group this year, ASCP went 70-21, with
2184 points for a score of 14.96. Not too shabby. Woulda placed right in
the middle of the pack, I guess as expected. Nice work fellas.
And now, I give you the 2023 FSGP FINAL STANDINGS (all caps - this is
important!), in reverse order, for maximum dramatic effect.
08. Warren(41-11) ... 10.92 [1300] * missed games penalty
07. Sean(61-24) ... 14.71 [2045]
06. Bob(72-19) ... 14.75 [2154]
05. John(65-25) ... 14.99 [2158]
04. Plaidmoon(71-20) ... 15.11 [2206]
And now, the medal stand.
In 3rd place, a former repeat FSGP champion, please give it up for
Peter. Peter went 65-20, with 2105 points, for a score of 15.36. Peter is
no stranger to the medal stand, and had the lead for much of this season.
Congrats Peter, yer a force of nature.
In second place, we have perhaps the most accomplished anti-weauxfer in the
group, and the prognosticator who will fufill the duties of the champion if
they are unable to fufill their duties. (I have no idea what those duties
are, but I just work here, they don't tell me nothing). Please welcome
Eric. Eric went 73-18 , the best win pct in the group btw; with 2321 points
for a score of 15.90 . Nice job Eric, you brought the goods this year.
And now, everybody please rise, and greet your REPEAT FSGP champion. Yes,
your 2024 Fantastical Spectaculacious Grandimonious Prognosticator, same as
Patrick. Patrick went 70-20, 2345 points for a score of 16.17. Perhaps key
to this victory was being one of only 2 people who took Washington in the
Championship game. (the other was Eric). Homerk00k pick? Maybe. But you
can't argue with results. Patrick, everyone was gunning for ya this year,
and you shot it right back at 'em. Congratulations, we're all proud of ya.
And a bit pissed it wasn't us who won. But we won't talk about that right
Well, that's another FSGP season in the books. Once again, thank you all
for being so sporting and fun, and yes, we are going to try and make this
work next season, we'll chat on that when I get back from Boston, or
whenever. (this is not a pleasure trip at all , btw, very awful, need to
focus while I'm there).
Thanks, and have a peaceful holiday. Or a tumultuous one, I dunno, your
get this done.
Once again, I want to let ya all know how much I appreciate ya, and how
much fun it is to do this every year. Obviously, there's gonna be some
changes coming, and we'll discuss those soon. But today, today is about
celebrating. It's been a blast these last 19 years, and although we will
have to adapt, I think we can make this work with the new format. But NGL -
I am really gonna miss the Pac-8-10-12. Damn.
OK OK, let's not get too melancholy. Let's talk group performance. I take
all our picks for each game, average them out (ie, average the pick for
each team based on all of our picks), and create an entry using those
averaged picks, called ASCP. As a group this year, ASCP went 70-21, with
2184 points for a score of 14.96. Not too shabby. Woulda placed right in
the middle of the pack, I guess as expected. Nice work fellas.
And now, I give you the 2023 FSGP FINAL STANDINGS (all caps - this is
important!), in reverse order, for maximum dramatic effect.
08. Warren(41-11) ... 10.92 [1300] * missed games penalty
07. Sean(61-24) ... 14.71 [2045]
06. Bob(72-19) ... 14.75 [2154]
05. John(65-25) ... 14.99 [2158]
04. Plaidmoon(71-20) ... 15.11 [2206]
And now, the medal stand.
In 3rd place, a former repeat FSGP champion, please give it up for
Peter. Peter went 65-20, with 2105 points, for a score of 15.36. Peter is
no stranger to the medal stand, and had the lead for much of this season.
Congrats Peter, yer a force of nature.
In second place, we have perhaps the most accomplished anti-weauxfer in the
group, and the prognosticator who will fufill the duties of the champion if
they are unable to fufill their duties. (I have no idea what those duties
are, but I just work here, they don't tell me nothing). Please welcome
Eric. Eric went 73-18 , the best win pct in the group btw; with 2321 points
for a score of 15.90 . Nice job Eric, you brought the goods this year.
And now, everybody please rise, and greet your REPEAT FSGP champion. Yes,
your 2024 Fantastical Spectaculacious Grandimonious Prognosticator, same as
Patrick. Patrick went 70-20, 2345 points for a score of 16.17. Perhaps key
to this victory was being one of only 2 people who took Washington in the
Championship game. (the other was Eric). Homerk00k pick? Maybe. But you
can't argue with results. Patrick, everyone was gunning for ya this year,
and you shot it right back at 'em. Congratulations, we're all proud of ya.
And a bit pissed it wasn't us who won. But we won't talk about that right
Well, that's another FSGP season in the books. Once again, thank you all
for being so sporting and fun, and yes, we are going to try and make this
work next season, we'll chat on that when I get back from Boston, or
whenever. (this is not a pleasure trip at all , btw, very awful, need to
focus while I'm there).
Thanks, and have a peaceful holiday. Or a tumultuous one, I dunno, your