FSGP '23
(too old to reply)
Sean S
2023-08-03 17:54:55 UTC
Well, things keep getting more and more different, don't they.
As it stands right now, it appears we will have a Pac-12 in 2023, so I am
down with running an FSGP at least one more year. (man, it feels weird to
say that ....). Gotta be honest, pretty bummed at all this movement and
restructuring, though I guess it was largely inevitable.
Not sure what or if we'll do next year. Pretty bummed to say that, but
frankly, I have a feeling more departures are imminent, and the league
might not really exist in the next couple years. (or at least with anybody
any of us root for. Any San Diego St or Boise St fans in here? ....)
But let's run one more this year, and go from there. We can chat on the
situation as the year develops. Maybe we'll figure something out where we
can keep doing it, so we can keep the chatter going in here, in a different
way? Who knows. I'm open.
Hope ya all had a nice off-season. Season starts on Aug 26 this year, but
that's only 1 game, SC-San Jose St. Season really gets going the next week,
Aug 31/Sept 1-2-3.

2023-08-03 19:30:06 UTC
Post by Sean S
Well, things keep getting more and more different, don't they.
As it stands right now, it appears we will have a Pac-12 in 2023, so I am
down with running an FSGP at least one more year. (man, it feels weird to
say that ....). Gotta be honest, pretty bummed at all this movement and
restructuring, though I guess it was largely inevitable.
Not sure what or if we'll do next year. Pretty bummed to say that, but
frankly, I have a feeling more departures are imminent, and the league
might not really exist in the next couple years. (or at least with anybody
any of us root for. Any San Diego St or Boise St fans in here? ....)
But let's run one more this year, and go from there. We can chat on the
situation as the year develops. Maybe we'll figure something out where we
can keep doing it, so we can keep the chatter going in here, in a different
way? Who knows. I'm open.
Hope ya all had a nice off-season. Season starts on Aug 26 this year, but
that's only 1 game, SC-San Jose St. Season really gets going the next week,
Aug 31/Sept 1-2-3.
I am in for the final year of the Pac. Pains me, but the chase for the king of the hill in college football driven by media I feel is a big factor. West coast college football is not that valuable outside of the LS & USC brand. UCLA maybe for the basketball legacy? All so disenchanting.

Plus this season is shaping up to be one of the most competitive Pac in quite a while.

woof woof
2023-08-03 19:31:00 UTC
Post by Sean S
Well, things keep getting more and more different, don't they.
As it stands right now, it appears we will have a Pac-12 in 2023, so I am
down with running an FSGP at least one more year. (man, it feels weird to
say that ....). Gotta be honest, pretty bummed at all this movement and
restructuring, though I guess it was largely inevitable.
Not sure what or if we'll do next year. Pretty bummed to say that, but
frankly, I have a feeling more departures are imminent, and the league
might not really exist in the next couple years. (or at least with anybody
any of us root for. Any San Diego St or Boise St fans in here? ....)
But let's run one more this year, and go from there. We can chat on the
situation as the year develops. Maybe we'll figure something out where we
can keep doing it, so we can keep the chatter going in here, in a different
way? Who knows. I'm open.
Hope ya all had a nice off-season. Season starts on Aug 26 this year, but
that's only 1 game, SC-San Jose St. Season really gets going the next week,
Aug 31/Sept 1-2-3.
I am in for the final year of the Pac. Pains me, but the chase for the king of the hill in college football driven by media I feel is a big factor. West coast college football is not that valuable outside of the LS & USC brand. UCLA maybe for the basketball legacy? All so disenchanting.
Plus this season is shaping up to be one of the most competitive Pac in quite a while.
woof woof
Eric Ramon
2023-08-04 04:59:14 UTC
Post by Sean S
Well, things keep getting more and more different, don't they.
As it stands right now, it appears we will have a Pac-12 in 2023, so I am
down with running an FSGP at least one more year. (man, it feels weird to
say that ....). Gotta be honest, pretty bummed at all this movement and
restructuring, though I guess it was largely inevitable.
Not sure what or if we'll do next year. Pretty bummed to say that, but
frankly, I have a feeling more departures are imminent, and the league
might not really exist in the next couple years. (or at least with anybody
any of us root for. Any San Diego St or Boise St fans in here? ....)
But let's run one more this year, and go from there. We can chat on the
situation as the year develops. Maybe we'll figure something out where we
can keep doing it, so we can keep the chatter going in here, in a different
way? Who knows. I'm open.
Hope ya all had a nice off-season. Season starts on Aug 26 this year, but
that's only 1 game, SC-San Jose St. Season really gets going the next week,
Aug 31/Sept 1-2-3.
I'm in. I think Kliavkoff is/was the wrong guy. We might end up with the Pac-3, Cal, Oregon State, Wazoo.
Sean S
2023-08-05 21:08:09 UTC

(funny how this group stayed pac10 through the pac12 years, and now... well
Damn, right on cue, eh? Can't lie, the dissolution of the Pac is pretty
sad, end of an era. But money. It rules the sport. We'll go ahead with FSGP
this year, and go from there. I'm kinda bummed we're talking the end of
this, I dunno, we may have solutions here to keep going, be a shame to end
it, but not sure what to do. Let's think on that this year. Maybe make it
an FSGP with only "Teams Formerly Referred to as Pac Teams". FSGPWTFRTAPT
That's a lot of letters.

2023-08-12 19:14:29 UTC
I'm back for this season which is shaping up to be very competitive with some really outstanding teams and quarterback play.

Sad to see all the changes but I don't think its over by a long shot. The next phase will likely be for the super conferences to become more consolidated in their chase for dollars by casting off their lower tier members. Happened once before in the Pacific Conference when conference members voted to adopt larger visiting team minimum game revenue guarantees. Schools like Oregon, Oregon State, Washington State, Idaho, and Montana were forced to drop out because they couldn't meet the new revenue share requirement for conference membership. Until some of those schools built bigger stadiums and could sell more tickets they were left behind. I predict something like that will get implemented again this time around. I just hope the non-revenue generating sports can survive during all the chaos.
Sean S
2023-08-18 01:15:18 UTC
hey Bob, hows it goin? Yeah, that angle about the non-revenue sports
seems to be largely discarded by the bigwigs in these re-alignments. I'm
wondering if it's gonna cuase too many problems down the line to make
this all work. But they didn't ask me, so .... here we are.

Post by BobW
I'm back for this season which is shaping up to be very competitive
with some really outstanding teams and quarterback play.
Sad to see all the changes but I don't think its over by a long shot.
The next phase will likely be for the super conferences to become more
consolidated in their chase for dollars by casting off their lower
tier members. Happened once before in the Pacific Conference when
conference members voted to adopt larger visiting team minimum game
revenue guarantees. Schools like Oregon, Oregon State, Washington
State, Idaho, and Montana were forced to drop out because they
couldn't meet the new revenue share requirement for conference
membership. Until some of those schools built bigger stadiums and
could sell more tickets they were left behind. I predict something
like that will get implemented again this time around. I just hope the
non-revenue generating sports can survive during all the chaos.